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LaFetiche's webcam




39 years


Ruso, Castellano y Chino



Interested in:



4 years

Last show:

6 months

About me

Do not touch danger of death

oh! do not touch the tibia and the skull

they make me doubt they make me go further

see you run see you ask me for more

and if I were born again I would repeat

And if I came back I would give you more heat

you burn me with the tips of your fingers

your hands make sores on my skin

I embrace with your tongue that is of fire

the blood boils or you don't see it

that you already know that you have me whenever you want

you already know how I am

you know that I get the first

now something better comes out

and how hot! i like your hell

oh! that heat adds fuel to the fire that is

scorching now it's inside of me

makes me sweat makes me come back to you

and if I were born again I would repeat

and if I came back I would ask for more heat

You burn me with the tips of your fingers...

you do me so much good, you do me so much good

you do me so much good

Teach me to unzip your zipper

you know where i'm going

you know i've crossed the border

ripping some button

that you already know that I ask you for more wood

and you ask for more level

you know how to keep the bonfire

you know how my skin already tastes

that you burn me with the tips of your fingers...

you do me so much good...

tw: la_feti

curious cat: Curious cat. me/lafeti

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