5 sexual curiosities that’ll make you go “woah” (Part III)

A new batch of interesting facts about your favorite hobby has arrived at the editorial office. Drop everything immediately and consume them greedily.

Penis and ejaculation tidbits

It takes two tablespoons of blood to achieve a half erect penis, from which we assume that four tablespoons will achieve an erection of the so-called “imperial with verve”.

During the average lifespan of a man, he will ejaculate approximately 17 liters of semen, which is equivalent to approximately half a billion spermatozoa (that seems like a small amount to us).

One teaspoon of semen contains approximately five calories.

The first jet of ejaculation reaches 45 kilometers per hour. The average speed of 100-meter sprinters is 37.58 km/h.

Origins of sex toys

In drawings from the Upper Paleolithic (30,000 B.C.) people can be seen using some kind of dildos to please themselves and also others. This means that mankind invented sex toys long before the wheel (3,500 B.C.).

The modern vibrator was designed in the 19th century to combat the symptoms of hysteria in women. What an old-fashioned idea this is: that only women could be hysterical and could only be cured with a good…

Erections and fears

We already know that there are super weird phobias and whole articles about the most absurd ones. Today we bring you two that are not so weird. Ithyphallophobia is the fear of having an erection or seeing an erect penis. And its etymology, of course, comes from the Greek: ithy means right; phobia, fear; and phallus… Think of how embarrassing it can be to have an erection when it is not convenient and there you have it, one of the most respectable phobias.

Now let’s think about the opposite: the fear of losing an erection. This one definitely seems more normal. How many men live their sexual relations with anxiety about suffering from premature ejaculation? And how many times does this worry end up causing a premature peter in the end? Well, this fear also has a name with Greek roots: medomalacuphobia.

How long is the perfect sex act?

According to research published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine conducted with 500 couples, the average duration of sexual intercourse excluding foreplay is 5.4 minutes. The results ranged from 33 seconds to 44 minutes for the longest ones. On the other hand, an analysis of the Pennsylvania State University (USA) concluded that for the relationship to be satisfactory it has to last between 7 and 13 minutes.

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