Double your earnings with the Secret Party

A few years ago we came up with a game on Twitter. We asked our models to broadcast with any kind of mask and in return we would give them a Happy Hour. It was so successful that now we do it every year. So today we’re back to tell you: double your earnings with the Secret Party.

Sounds easy… and it is. So let’s get a little fancy. Imagine you call one of those speakeasy parties where guests hide their identity with masks and disguises to do whatever they want without anyone recognizing them. Can you imagine that? Maybe it reminds you of some movie.

Well, now we want you to be the protagonist. Invite your fans to your own secret party. Optionally, you can wear a mask or a disguise to give more lust and mystery to your weekend shows. And to get that Happy Hour, there is only one condition:

Double your earnings with the Secret Party

No lottery or rankings this time. If you raise that number in tips, you get it. So now you know: invite all your fans and double your earnings with the Secret Party.

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