How to improve your shows (even more) πŸ”

Let’s be clear: you have passion, charisma and desire, but you need something that differentiates you from the TOP models that dominate our website.

The content of your shows and your personality are important, but so is the quality of the video and sound of your shows. This is the only thing that separates you from the real professionals. And when we say professionals, we mean those models who perform shows on & make a good living doing so.

Good news: we’re here to talk about five aspects that are very easy to accomplish. And you don’t have to do them all at once. You can tackle them one by one, and as you do, you will notice obvious improvements. And your followers will notice them too.

Here’s everything you need to know to make your shows look amazing.

1. The equipment you use for your shows

We know you’re already doing great shows, but is there a way to improve?

For example, do you use your mobile phone or your computer? Do you connect via wifi or network cable? Do you use an external webcam or the one built into your computer?

Knowing all the options allows you to try different things. And who knows, you might already have the equipment at home that allows you to make a small change and experience an instant improvement in the quality of your broadcast.

Learn about all the options available to you in this article.

2. Shows in HD

OBS is an external software that you can download and install to make your shows look and sound like the professionals.

Installation and setup are much simpler than they seem. We explain everything step by step in this article.

Once you install it, you’ll want to perform shows in HD as soon as possible. To make sure you do it correctly, here is another article in which we explain how to set up your equipment so that this small effort will bring you the benefits you are looking for.

3. Lighting

Whether you’re broadcasting in HD or any other way, you need to get the lighting right.

This is something that doesn’t cost anything: it’s a small adjustment that will take a few minutes and can be achieved with the same lamps you already have at home. You’ll show off your beauty even more and make the experience more pleasant for your followers, who will surely show their appreciation as you deserve.

And then, when you see how much the quality of your shows improves with this small change, you may want to try a more professional level. In this article, we explain how you can make the most of the lighting you already have at home, and what lights you can buy online for a very affordable price which will help make your shows look like professional YouTubers or Tiktokers’ videos.

4. Ambience

In your shows, you offer fantasy, beauty and fun, but is the place you broadcast from up to par?

Look around you. Just as you like to put on your makeup to accentuate your beauty, you can create a space where you perform just as flirtatiously. Again, it’s all about making the experience more complete and enjoyable. What do your fans see behind you as you broadcast? How can you make it better?

In many cases, you just need to be aware of each object that appears in your show and consider whether you’d prefer to leave it in or take it out. And if you want to go further, check out videos from your favorite YouTubers or Tiktokers for inspiration. They usually use very cheap and effective elements, such as lamps with funny shapes, curtains, or wallpapered walls.

There is no need for a complete renovation of your room. You just need to have fun redecorating that small space that you expose in your shows. It’s up to you to develop and maintain your personal brand, and small details such as this one will make you stand out from the rest of the models.

5. Music

Music is a great addition to your shows. It helps you to loosen up and move in a more sensual way in front of the camera.

Just like careful lighting and ambience, music completes your shows, making them more attractive and interesting. Movies, series, and commercials almost always include music because it “adds magic” to the content even if you don’t realize you’re listening to it. Don’t give up this magic, let yourself be carried away by it.

That said, you don’t have to try to implement these five tips all at once. Try them one by one and see how they improve your shows. We will enjoy watching you rise like a star.

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