Toy-Free Masturbation for Women

In the era of super vibrators and mega suckers, many women are losing the habit of reaching orgasm without these devices. This has three consequences: the first is that we get used to not making an effort because it is the toy that does all the work. The second is that we become impatient and we might even think it’s normal to reach orgasm in the flick of a switch.

But it is the third consequence that can be the most problematic. Unfortunately, these devices are designed to cause such intense pleasure that no human can match it. This can mean sex toys end up completely displacing people from our sex lives.

But let’s not freak out. It’s not really an irreversible situation and no one is forcing women to choose only one option for the rest of their lives. The ideal is to combine the comfort and effectiveness of sex toys with traditional techniques in varying occasions while exercising self-pleasure. And for this second option, here are some suggestions that may come in handy (pun intended):

  • It is important the vulva is well lubricated: use a lubricant if you need more moisture or better sliding.
  • Practice different movements on the clitoris: circular, zigzag or tapping. Find out what works best for you.
  • Try inserting your fingers into your vagina while using the other hand to stimulate your clitoris. At first it will be difficult to find a comfortable position, but you will find it with practice.
  • The anus also has nerve endings: stroke it gently while masturbating.
  • Stroke other parts of your body such as your nipples or thighs.
  • Try different positions for masturbation. For example, on all fours, with your legs closed and elevated, or rubbing yourself with some items such as a pillow.
  • Masturbate only when you really feel like it and when you have no external stimuli to distract you.

If you think this list is full of truisms, it’s probably because you don’t need it. But many women who have become accustomed to the quick and efficient pleasure of the latest generation of toys will need to remember some basics. The important thing is to reconnect with your body and give it the time it needs. The rest will flow.

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